Gledhow Fields
Community Playground
Opened March 1999
Gledhow Community Fields Playground was officially opened in March 1999 after being fundraised for by the Local Community and headed by Brackenwood Community Association (then under charity number 517725).
The Playground is a key part of our community and used by hundreds of children every day, particularly on any dry day after school.
The equipment is very outdated, not suitable for Toddlers, and not enough equipment in general.
Whilst we are working with Leeds City Council and Local Councillors, and applying for various funding to revamp our Playground, we do still need to raise lots of money ourselves.
Current fundraising total ...
Total last updated 12 June 2024
Registered Charity Details
Brackenwood Community Association (1182672)
The Highwood Building
Brackenwood Drive
Phone: 0113 212 0589
Facebook Group
Join our Facebook group for upto date information and your chance to have your say.
As a registered charity, we use Localgiving so that we can claim Gift Aid on donations, which increases your donation by 25% at no extra cost to you. To donate, click on the green Donate below (you may need to click on the image below and scroll down if viewing on a mobile device)
Our localgiving Fundraising Page above shows you our upto date figure of how much we have raised through that page. We do also have our Gledhow Fields Playground Revamp Project Page which can be donated to directly.
Want to create your own Fundraiser?
Click the Fundraise for us button below to be taken directly to Localgiving
Sign in or create a localgiving account
Select your Charity: Brackenwood Community Association
Select your Appeal: Gledhow Fields Playground Revamp
Complete the rest of the information about your fundraising activity and share your link to start raising funds
Gledhow Wood Avenue Street Party
Thankyou so much to the Residents of Gledhow Wood Avenue who raised an amazing £536 in their Summer Street Party (after Justgiving fees) for the Gledhow Fields Playground Appeal.
In addition to this, one of the Residents has managed to secure matched funding from her employer, for a further £500 making their total raised £1036.
Matched funding is paid to us through CAF (a charity platform) which can take a number of weeks to process. This has now been received and added to our fundraising total.
Thankyou so much for the hard work of everyone involved.
Projects like these take a massive amount, time, commitment and effort to pull together. From arranging meetings, organising fundraising, managing the finances and so much more which goes unseen in the background.
Thankyou to Jen Webster and Sallie Fitzgerald for getting this off the ground. All the Trustees at Brackenwood Community Association who's hard work in the background often goes unseen.
Roundhay Ward Labour Councillors for all their support and donations.
Lidgett Lane Larder for all their support and their collection which raised £100.
The Residents of Gledhow Wood Avenue who with matched funding from a residents employer, raised an incredible £1,036.
We have had many very generous donations from individuals in our local community too and we can't thank you all enough.
Past Events
Monday 2 October 2023 2.30pm - 4.30pm
Consultation in the park
Sunday 26 November 2023 1pm - 4pm
Draft Plans to be revealed at the Community Centre Christmas Craft Fayre
We will also be having a stall to raise funds for the Playground Appeal - volunteers needed to help us making crafty items to sell, and/or helping on the day
Wednesday 6 December 2023 6.30pm - 7.30pm
Consultation Meeting
Draft Plans for Playground Revamp
Revealed at Consultation Meeting on 6 December 2023
Latest News
Work is finally due to start on our Playground from
Monday 28 October 2024.
The playground is expected to be closed for approximately four weeks, weather permitting.
Keep an eye out for updates, thank you for your patience!
With the money we have raised, and the grants we have managed to receive, we are able to refurbish/upgrade some of the existing equipment and add some new pieces of equipment too. We can't wait.