We rely on fundraising to help keep the community centre running. Use the button below to donate now or find out below others ways you can help.
Funding Opportunity
Help us be in with a chance to win £1,000 for your community centre. Just click the image below to nominate us.
Fundraising Events
Every year we run our Annual Summer Fayre on the first Saturday in August to help raise funds for the community centre.
Saturday *** August 2025 12pm - 4pm
We are always looking for donations of:
Tombola items
Unopened bottles of Wine/Beer/Spirits/Water/Juice
Raffle prizes
Games prizes
We are also in need of lots of volunteers to help organise the event and help running the event on the day.
Please get in touch if you can help.
Donations can be dropped off directly at the community centre during our opening hours.
Give As You Live
Raise FREE fund for your community centre by shopping through Give As You Live !
Planning a dream getaway or thinking about a quick city break? Or just doing your regular on-line shopping. No matter where you go, there are bumper FREE donations to be raised for us when you visit Online before you book!
💸 It's free
📱 There's a handy app
🛍️ There are over 4,300 stores!
Gledhow Fields Community Playground Appeal
Please click here to find out more.
Our Nominated Charities
In addition to being a charity ourselves, we also have 2 nominated charities who we support, who are very close to our hearts.